Some people are blessed with high metabolism, are naturally lean, and can look amazing with very little upkeep.  But for the rest of us it takes time, dedication, proper exercise, a healthful diet, and maintenance.

So how can you land yourself a six-pack?  Well, the truth is that you already have one!  Chances are, though, that your abdominal muscles may be somewhat underdeveloped and, well, protected by a few layers.  Perhaps the biggest challenge to those seeking visible abs is getting rid of the stubborn belly fat that is covering them.

The belly—especially near the lower abdominals—is one of the first places that fat is stored and one of the last places from which it is burned up, making it a problem spot for most people.  Don’t be fooled by the myth of “spot reduction”.  Ripped, six-pack abs aren’t “just a million sit-ups away”.  To get rid of this stubborn belly flab requires cardio exercise. This type of exercise gets the heart pumping and burns body fat.

After the first few pounds of melt away, the body’s metabolism will slow.  This is the body’s way of entering “survival mode”.  Whether one is at home working out to an aerobics tape, running, dancing, jumping rope, or doing old-fashioned jumping jacks,

this type of exercise will become increasingly more important.  Some of the hardest fat to lose is that last bit which covers up the abdominal muscles.

Safety must be kept in mind before starting any form of exercise.  A good stretch should take place before and after every workout to loosen up the body and prevent injury.  It is also very important to stay hydrated while working out.  Be sure to drink plenty of water.  In addition to these fat-burning exercises, a healthful diet needs to be implemented.  Junk foods and alcohol will need to be severely limited or eliminated as they are completely detrimental weight loss.  Saturated and trans fats should be avoided and replaced with mono-unsaturated fats, polyunsaturated fats, and omega-3 fatty acids.

In addition to limiting fats, limit salt intake as well.  Salt increases blood pressure and causes the body to retain extra water and store it in the body as extra baggage.  This “water weight” can cover up that six-pack just as easily as belly flab.  Avoid canned or processed foods as these often contain large amounts of salt.  Most of the time, the fresh option will be the best option.

One sneaky item to be on the lookout for is sugar.

Two hundred years ago the average American consumed only two pounds of sugar per year!  Nowadays, that average is about 150 pounds!  Sugar burns like rocket fuel in the body, but most (if not all) people are physically unable to utilize all this energy, causing the body to store away the “excess” as fat throughout the body.  Avoid snack foods, candies, and soda. Look for the whole-grain option when buying bread products.

Fat-burning exercise and a healthful diet will uncover that sexy six-pack!  The abdominal muscles can also be built up and toned by strengthening exercises.  Exercises like sit-ups, crunches, and leg lifts may not be good ways of burning body fat, but they are excellent ways to build up and tone lean muscle.  These exercises will help you define that six-pack and achieve that “chiseled” look.

Every person’s body is different; some will see results sooner than others.  But by exercising properly and eating healthy, you, too, can enjoy lean, ripped abs!

By Avery Garth O’Neill



Some people are blessed with high metabolism, are naturally lean, and can look amazing with very little upkeep.  But for the rest of us it takes time, dedication, proper exercise, a healthful diet, and maintenance.

So how can you land yourself a six-pack?  Well, the truth is that you already have one!  Chances are, though, that your abdominal muscles may be somewhat underdeveloped and, well, protected by a few layers.  Perhaps the biggest challenge to those seeking visible abs is getting rid of the stubborn belly fat that is covering them.

The belly—especially near the lower abdominals—is one of the first places that fat is stored and one of the last places from which it is burned up, making it a problem spot for most people.  Don’t be fooled by the myth of “spot reduction”.  Ripped, six-pack abs aren’t “just a million sit-ups away”.  To get rid of this stubborn belly flab requires cardio exercise. This type of exercise gets the heart pumping and burns body fat.

After the first few pounds of melt away, the body’s metabolism will slow.  This is the body’s way of entering “survival mode”.  Whether one is at home working out to an aerobics tape, running, dancing, jumping rope, or doing old-fashioned jumping jacks, this type of exercise will become increasingly more important.  Some of the hardest fat to lose is that last bit which covers up the abdominal muscles.

Safety must be kept in mind before starting any form of exercise.  A good stretch should take place before and after every workout to loosen up the body and prevent injury.  It is also very important to stay hydrated while working out.  Be sure to drink plenty of water.  In addition to these fat-burning exercises, a healthful diet needs to be implemented.  Junk foods and alcohol will need to be severely limited or eliminated as they are completely detrimental weight loss.  Saturated and trans fats should be avoided and replaced with mono-unsaturated fats, polyunsaturated fats, and omega-3 fatty acids.

In addition to limiting fats, limit salt intake as well.  Salt increases blood pressure and causes the body to retain extra water and store it in the body as extra baggage.  This “water weight” can cover up that six-pack just as easily as belly flab.  Avoid canned or processed foods as these often contain large amounts of salt.  Most of the time, the fresh option will be the best option.

One sneaky item to be on the lookout for is sugar.  Two hundred years ago the average American consumed only two pounds of sugar per year!  Nowadays, that average is about 150 pounds!  Sugar burns like rocket fuel in the body, but most (if not all) people are physically unable to utilize all this energy, causing the body to store away the “excess” as fat throughout the body.  Avoid snack foods, candies, and soda. Look for the whole-grain option when buying bread products.

Fat-burning exercise and a healthful diet will uncover that sexy six-pack!  The abdominal muscles can also be built up and toned by strengthening exercises.  Exercises like sit-ups, crunches, and leg lifts may not be good ways of burning body fat, but they are excellent ways to build up and tone lean muscle.  These exercises will help you define that six-pack and achieve that “chiseled” look.

Every person’s body is different; some will see results sooner than others.  But by exercising properly and eating healthy, you, too, can enjoy lean, ripped abs!